Thursday, September 3, 2020

Post 1: My Top 5 News Sources

                      TOP 5 NEWS SOURCES


The internet can be a great tool to use to quickly find information and learn about what is going on in the world, but it can also be a hassle to find credible and unbiased sources. Fortunately for me, I grew up with technology, which has allowed me to take note of credible news sources over the years.

Here is a list of my personal top 5 sources I receive my news from (in no particular order):

1. Twitter

Yes, you read that right. I know it sounds kind of ridiculous, but one of my favorite places to get news from is Twitter. It is certainly not always accurate, but it allows me to hear about events as soon as they have happened. Additionally, I can read opinions from several people, including those who have actually witnessed the event. Though the idea of getting real-time news can be beneficial, it also has the disadvantage of having uncensored content that people may find triggering.

Summary of pros:
  • Real-time news
  • Various opinions 
  • Easy-to-read
  • Accessible
  • Not super wordy (limited to 280 characters)

Summary of cons:
  • Potentially triggering content 
  • Anyone can write something
  • Not always accurate
  • Not an actual news website 
  • Lots of distractions

2. The New York Times

Another one of my favorite sources is The New York Times. As for reliability, it is much more reliable than Twitter. It is also useful if you want to hear more one-sided opinions, as it leans slightly left on the political compass. I typically check The New York Times after I read about an event on Twitter to gain more insight. On the contrary, the articles are not necessarily published in real-time, since they are written by professional journalists. It is also less accessible than Twitter, you have a limit of five articles per month before you have to buy a subscription.

Summary of pros:
  • One-sided opinions
  • Written by Professional Journalists
  • Well-established news source
  • Actual articles

Summary of cons:
  • Takes longer to write articles than Tweets
  • Limit of five free articles per month

NBC News is another reliable, but slightly left-leaning news source that I like to use. It is the primary news channel my parents watch, so I basically grew up with it. Since my parents trust it, I feel like I can trust it as well. There are two main television programs from NBC that I consume; Nightly News and WCNC. Nightly News looks more into world events, while WCNC is my local news program, talking about things going on in and near Charlotte (where I am from). Although NBC News also has a website, I prefer watching the news rather than navigating through the website to gain information.

Summary of pros:
  • One-sided opinions
  • Can watch it on TV
  • The chime is iconic and fun to listen to
  • Can lead to family discussions 

Summary of cons:
  • Website hurts my brain (a bit too much to look at!)

4. Charlotte Agenda

Another local news source I like to use is the Charlotte Agenda. However, unlike the other news sources, the Charlotte Agenda has more than just news. It is more like a magazine, as it highlights a few things to do in and around Charlotte. Even with COVID-related restrictions, it still features new things that are happening in Charlotte, which is nice to read through especially now.

Summary of pros:
  • Features fun things to do
  • Neat website
  • More than just news

Summary of cons:
  • Makes me a bit homesick

I typically would not use the CDC as for a news source, however, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, I have been more inclined to check the CDC website for any Coronavirus-related statistics. I have not been checking it as often as I had been during the beginning of the quarantine in the United States. Additionally, I do not really like checking it because it is quite frightening.

Summary of pros:
  • Government-based organization
  • Accurate statistics

Summary of cons:
  • Not fun to read
  • All data is health-related 

Honorable Mention:

The Onion

It might be a satirical news source, but it is fun to read articles and watch videos from The Onion. It is especially fun to read the comments on their YouTube videos of people who believe it is a legit news source. 

Summary of pros:
  • Humor
Summary of cons:
  • Some of it is a bit too realistic
  • Not everyone knows it is a satirical website

Did your most used sources make the list? Let me know!

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